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Introductory Statistics with R for Biological Sciences

January 13 @ 10:00 - January 16 @ 14:00

Free – 150.00€

General Information

  • Target audience: Master’s and PhD students, researchers.
  • Minimum number of registrations: 5
  • Maximum number of registrations: 25
  • Language: English
  • Requirements: Basic knowledge of the R language
  • Course participants will receive a certificate of attendance.




  • CIIMAR/U.Porto/CCMAR members (attach proof): 100€
  • External participants: 150€


How to register
Registration: after announcement, up to fill 25 available positions.


Course description

This course will focus on four aspects: descriptive statistics, distributions, regression, and hypothesis testing.

Mastering these aspects will enable students to study in the future more complex statistical models that are more useful today in research, such as GLM and its extensions GLZ and GAM. In this course will be included an introductory example of GLM with an Analysis of Variance, that also includes random factors will be seen in an introductory way.

Although this course uses the R programming language as the basis for the examples and exercises, which will undoubtedly serve to further familiarize the student with it, learning this language is not an objective of this course.


Specific aims of the course

  • Understand the meaning and usefulness of the main descriptive statistics parameters and measures.
  • Learn basic aspects of distributions: parameters that define them, estimation of these parameters from a series of data, usefulness of the different distributions.
  • Become familiar with different basic graphic exploration options.
  • Learn to differentiate the common aspects that define all regression techniques, and also those that differentiate them to apply them to each specific case.
  • Learn various ways of fitting and selecting regression models.
  • Understand the objective and fundamentals of hypothesis testing, as well as provide a general view of all the specific cases that exist for these tests, both in the parametric and non-parametric statistical framework.
  • Understand the fundamentals of the analysis of variance.
  • Recognize the differences between fixed factors and random factors, in the context of the general linear model using analysis of variance.


Course Programme

Check the course’s programme here.



Aldo Barreiro Felpeto is a researcher at Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIIMAR) associated to the University of Porto (Porto, Portugal). His research career has focused in plankton ecology. He defended his Ph.D. dissertation in 2007 in the Department of Ecology at the University of Vigo (Vigo, Spain) about interactions between zooplankton and toxic phytoplankton species from the Spanish NW Atlantic coast, southern Baltic sea and southern Tirreno coast. In 2008-2010, he performed a post-doctorate in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York, USA). Since 2011 he is a researcher at CIIMAR.

He developed a strong background in statistics and dynamic modelling with R software, attending 10 courses in the period 2006-2018 and since 2013, organizing 14 editions of courses about different aspects of statistics and programming with R, mostly in CIIMAR, but also in the University of Vigo (Spain) and the University of Magallanes (Chile). He co-authored two books about statistics and programming: Tratamiento de Datos (Ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 2006) and Tratamiento de Datos con R, SPSS y ESTATISTICA (Ed. Díaz de Santos, Madrid, 2010).

Due to his expertise in statistics and programming, he has developed collaborations in different fields of ecology, but also environmental sciences and molecular biology. He has published 60 articles, accounting for an h index of 27 and an i10 index of 48.

In case of any questions, please contact CIIMAR’s Advanced Training & Careers‘ office.


January 13 @ 10:00
January 16 @ 14:00
Free – 150.00€
Event Category:


Aldo Felpeto


Avenida General Norton de Matos, SN
Matosinhos, 4450-208 Portugal
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